Celebrity rumors, urban myths… they spread like wildfire but where do they start? Who was the first person that claimed that you get straight A’s for the semester if your college roommates kill themselves or that Richard Gear stuck a gerbil up his butt (Richard Gears ex-publicist???)? Someone must have said it first but tracing the origins of such things would be damn near impossible… So, when I question “Who invented 3 Thing Thursdays?” I didn’t really expect to get an answer… so when Adam over at “I am boring” commented that Morgan over at “CAUTION: Redhead Running” had first started the “3 Things Thursday” trend my interest was peaked… Could this be true? Did Morgan really start this blogger craze that is exponentially spiraling out of control?
I decided I'd be best off going right to the source so I e-mailed Morgan and asked her if she created "Three Things Thursday"... here's here reply:
"I am in fact the creator of 3 Things Thursday and I came up with it as a way to convey a few things when I didn't have anything noteworthy to write a whole post about. It's come in handy, for instance when I was moving and had nothing running related to talk about but wanted to check in."So to sum it up, "3 Things Thursday" is like blogger crack... no need to spend hours carefully constructing a post... all you have to do is wait till Thursday, spurt out three unrelated things, and Viola... you have yourself a post... not only that, but judging from the response across the blogosphere people can't get enough of it!!!
I decided to dig deeper… multiple hours and several dozen internet searches later here’s what I came up with… a by no means comprehensive list of blogs that have incorporated “3 Things Thursday” into their rotation:
Blog Title: First 3 Things Thursday Post:
Special note on these first 5 blogs because they actually attributed the idea to "The Redhead"
Running Laur 12/03/09
Dietician on the run 04/29/10
Runner Nic 05/20/10
morning runner 10/29/09
Mission to a(nother) marathon 09/10/10
and the list continues...
Melissa Nibbles 12/03/09
run, courtney, run 04/08/10
racing with babes 02/18/10
running in pigtails 01/28/10
MCM Momma 12/10/09
Eating Good Stuff 09/17/10
My own party of 5 10/15/09
dare to tri 01/07/10
running off at the mouth 02/11/10
I have run 02/04/10
50 sticky fingers 03/11/10
running rambles 06/24/10
carpool queen 05/27/10
I run because… I can 01/28/10
Tall Mom Running 04/15/10
I'm going to look at these next few in a bit more detail because I was entertained by the way that they initially broke into the world of "Three Things Thursday"
adventures of badger girl 01/21/10
Badgergirl writes: "So many other bloggers do this, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon." ...It's the beginning of 2010 "Three Things Thursday" is already becoming a craze!
Lizard writes: "Can just anybody do these blog themes? I hope so, because I’m about to"a code geeks tail 03/11/10
...Lizard is obviously tenative about his first hit off the "3 Things Thursday" pipe but ultimately he can't resist its sweet nectar!
Wes writes: "In the past, I've avoided these "templates" for blog posts, primarily because with my ever running mouth and thought process, I had no shortage of material. Now, with time being in such demand, I'm rather liking the framework of this one, and no doubt others will follow." - Wes has published ThreeThings Thursday 7 times since he wrote this back in March!!!and finally...
redhead running 07/01/09
But here's the twist... 07/01/09 was actually a Wednesday!!! Never the less, this was the first occurance of "Three Things Thursday"... or was it?!?
As I dug deeper into my Google search I came across this:
hear me in harmony 02/05/09
Melanie says "Some of you “long-time readers” may remember a feature around here called Tuesday’s Things to Be Happy About. I stopped doing it about a year ago, but I decided I wanted to bring it back, both because I miss it and because I feel like I need something that forces me to post when I otherwise might let posting slide. I was going to call it Ten Things Tuesday, but I like the alliteration of this a little better, plus it’s not so ambitious, which will help me not feel not so much pressure."Turns out Melanie wrote a "Three Things Thursday" post almost 5 months before Morgan's first post. My conclusion here is that Melanie and Morgan both came up with Three Things Thursday on their own.... and wouldn't be suprised if I dug deeper and found even more spontanious occurances of "Three Things Thursdays" in the blogger world. It's just such an obvious blogger device that somebody (or multiple somebodies) were bound to come up with it...I will say that "Three Things Thursday" has definitely made it's mark on the running blog community and that Morgan can definitely be given the credit for creating and popularizing it in this context!