Friday, April 2, 2010

switching it up

Got tired of looking at myself sitting on top of Mt. Lassen so I switched my banner image to a picture I took after a long ascent up a bluff in the Negev Desert.... plus I had to change my mission statement to reflect that I'm no longer a mid-pack runner but am now an upper-mid-pack runner...

Also, added a daily mile widget... I've been on the daily mile for a couple months now, but haven't started using it yet... maybe now I will.


  1. Hey Buzz Buster!
    How come you don't think I could hold the unrecorded world record?
    I mean...come on...those would be killer negative splits!

    Seriously though...THANKS!
    I can't believe I never noticed what I was typing. In my head it was correct! I'm just glad you spoke up...then I could look like an idiot for a little less amount of time. Who knows how long it would have stayed there?????
    Thanks! =)

  2. Love the machismo pose. Now you just need to back it up in upcoming race reports!

  3. Love the new pic (banner) man. It is very awe inspiring indeed. Daily Mile? I think I might give it a check out. Take care.

  4. (sorry for the barage of comments....)

    I've always wondered how you graduate out of the 'mid pack'.
