Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Holding steady

Covid 19 acted like a hard reset on my training.  I feel really lucky to have zero lingering effects from my bout but my mileage has been down ever since.  

I've been hitting about 40 MPW since the end of March, been taking more days off, and have really been shirking on the long runs.  Not sure what it is but have not felt like running long runs which are normally my favorite and have limited them to 10-11 miles.  

On the other had, I have been running quite a bit faster.  I ran 10 miles at 7:06 average pace on Sunday (which felt relatively easy) and after an actual easy 7 on Monday at 7:55 pace I ran another 7 miles today at 6:47 pace...  first couple miles I was working kind of hard but once I settled in I started cruising and was able to cut it down the last 2 miles to 6:39 and 6:28 without straining too hard.

I feel like I'm gaining fitness again without overdoing it right now and I'm definitely way less fatigued with the reduced mileage which is good since I have a lot of other things going on besides running.  

My performances are starting to approach what I've hit at top fitness in the past so that's encouraging at least.  

I pretty much know what I need to do moving forward...  start working back in some longer runs and also run some shorter 3-4 mile tempo runs at a quicker pace (6:20-6:30).  Knowing is half the battle but executing is the other half.  I really prefer 7-8 miles at 6:50 pace vs 3-4 miles at 6:20 pace.  It just feels like more of an accomplishment.  I guess I need to get over myself.

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