Thursday, April 9, 2020

Good Run - Bad Post Run Thursday

Today's workout was 9.33 miles at 7:09 pace.  This was my 4th time running this same course/distance and I was starting to learn from my previous experiences.


Miles 1: 7:49 (Warming up)
Mile 2: 7:17 (keeping it under control vs 7:09 last time I ran it)
Mile 3: 7:15 (still under control vs 7:09 last time I ran it)
Mile 4: 7:09 (early efforts paying off after slowing down to 7:20 last time)
Mile 5: 7:19 (mile 5 and 7 are always the slowest... they must be net uphill... I consciously pushed these miles and took 6 seconds off last weeks 7:25)
Mile 6: 7:04 (This one is always fast.  Still faster then last weeks 7:11)
Mile 7: 7:18 (7:26 last week.. after mile 7 there's an additional .25ish miles before we turn around and head to the finish line)
Mile 8: 6:47  (last two miles and the crosswind that was originally slightly in my face was suddenly slightly to my back -  7:03 last week)
Mile 9: 6:30 pace (really started running hard but not 100% effort - 6:49 last week)
Last .33:  6:55 pace (funny how 6:55 feels easy relative to 6:30)

Ended up with a total time of 1:06:48 which was 47 seconds faster then last week.

Really felt good during this run.  None of the niggles on my quads and knees that have been bugging me flared up at all and the effort was hard but I never had to go to the well so to speak.  HR avg 153 (83% of max) with a peak of 173 at the end. 

I'm approaching new territory with my training and hoping to get some of these runs under 7 minute pace here eventually.  

After the workout was another story.  I felt pretty good until about a 1/2 hour later and then my stomach started cramping.  I laid in bed for an hour or two and then attempted to go to work but was still cramping.  lay in bed for 30 more minutes before I finally felt enough to go to work and still aren't feeling 100% now.  Pepto seemed to help.

this isn't the first time I've had stomach issues running but this seems like the worst.  Might need to watch what I eat the night before a hard workout a bit closer...  might need to take pepto before my run.

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