Monday, July 13, 2020

Week 28 in Review

These weekly summaries are providing a good mental boost for me as I zoom out and am able to appreciate the consistency of my training this year.  At this point I have no real goal except to consistently train with the knowledge that it is all building to a vaguely defined marathon goal in the eventual future...  Hopefully the fall of 2021 but who knows at this point.

With 8 miles on Saturday, I capped the week at 54.17 total miles, a new weekly high.  I really don't plan on building up much more weekly mileage this year.  50 MPW is a feat in itself and so far I've record 8 weeks at 50+ miles (this year/ever/in the last 16 weeks).  The plan for now is to keep hitting the 50s in July and August while I'm rocking these mileage challenges and then go from there.

Sunday's long run was really tough.  I planned on doing 16 miles but wound up doing 15.  The high mileage and last few weeks of brutal heat and humidity has been a factor.  I started the run tired and never truly found my groove.  I ran the rock island trail and a Saturday night wind/thunderstorm had wrecked havoc on the trail with trees and branches everywhere.  I had to stop to climb over/through about 10 large trees in each direction and skip/leap over many smaller branches.  Made things interesting at least.  At the 7.45 mile point there was another downed tree which was the final factor that determined I'd run 15 miles instead of 16.  The run back from halfway was extremely tough and I was feeling exceptionally tired.  I just focused on running tall and strong and keeping my core tight and my form good.  I ticked off mile 10 and 11 at 8:33 pace then really focused on 12 and 13 for 8:25 pace, then completely crashed out on the last 2 miles as my HR elevated to the mid 150s and I could only manage 8:45 pace.  My legs were completely spent and every time I had to stop to climb over a tree it was exceedingly harder to get going again.  When I finally got back to the car I chugged water and really felt off... a wave of faintness and a wave of nausea.  It passed fairly quickly but it took me a couple hours after that to really get my energy levels going again.

Final stats:
15.01 miles
8:26 pace

It was definitely a tough run... about one year removed from July 14, 2019 when I had a different exceptionally bad tough run where I ran a 8 mile long run at 9:18 pace (this was my long run distance a year ago).   The last three miles 6,7,8 were 9:55, 9:54, 9:51 and I had to stop and walk a few times.  It was hot and I was hungover... I was proud at the time that I still got up and ran and I'm proud of my self for yesterdays run as well.  My HR a year ago was avg of 156... My HR avg yesterday was 140 so not really that tough in the scheme of things.

Weight continues to creep down as well... probably partial due to dehydration but always good to see a new low.


Yearly goal progress:


1.  2020 (or 1560) miles run:  1154.81 for the year (78.6 miles ahead of 2020).  

2.  5000 Pull ups: 2652  (12 behind pace) Better get some done this week before I go on vacation.

3.  5000 Pushups/Bench:  2644 (20 behind pace)…Finally hit some sets at 185 today 10, 8, 7 reps... felt good and finished with a set of 20 at 135

4.  50 hour stationary bike:  25:51 hours... I am falling off the biking train.  With 6 days of running a week and extra mileage it just seems like biking on my "rest" day is too much.  Not sure what this means for my goal.  Maybe if I ramp down the running later in the year I'll ramp up the biking and play catch... maybe it will be a good motivator to take a break from running when the time comes.

512500 Steps a day:  Haven't screwed this one up yet

MONTHLY GOAL:  309k in July... 89.56 miles for the month... that's 46.6% of the way there with 41.9% of the month complete... a bit ahead for now with vacation looming.

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