Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Back to the track (again)

Second week with a Tuesday trackwork out as a briefly tune up for a 5K time trial next week.  This workout went waaayyyy better than last week.  

A few notes:  

  • last week I felt like I was dying after my 3rd 800... this week I felt way better and probably could have kept going after my 6st interval.  
  • My HR was pretty consistent and never really got too high... my aerobic conditioning definitely exceeds my anaerobic which makes sense based on my training
  • Huge improvement over last weeks effort... I wonder how things would shake out after a 6-12 week 5K specific training block?  I'd imagine I could get a decent amount faster.
Strava was impressed by my efforts as well:

I was sort of gunning for that 1K PR and ran a bit past the 1000m mark on the last interval to make sure I didn't come up short due to GPS error.

In other news, I've been slacking on my blogging lately... mostly just recovering/catching up from vacation...

I've slightly dropped the mileage to 40+ per week the last few weeks and have done a bit of speedwork in preparation for a 5K time trial.  Feel pretty good...  I have one more tempo workout planned and then a short taper.  Then plan to get back to 50+ miles mid August.  I'm mostly injury free except I have some pain in my left foot that I'm sort of concerned might be a stress fracture.  It doesn't bother me when running really except for occasionally... kind of weird.  I've had it a couple months now so it's not exactly going away.  I want to get through August and then might need to get it checked out if it hasn't improved or gets worse.

Now, it's time for a summary update of my yearly goals:

Yearly goal progress:


1.  2020 (or 1560) miles run:  1293.65 for the year (96 miles ahead of 2020 pace).  

2.  5000 Pull ups: 2960  (4 behind pace) Been catching up from my vacation but have been killing the pullups lately.  Sets of 16 and 12 at the minimum... did a set of 20 straight chin-ups with no rest 

3.  5000 Pushups/Bench:  2867 (97 behind pace)… Behind here a bit but not worried.  Should be able to catch up quickly with an extra workout this week.

4.  50 hour stationary bike:  25:51 hours... I have not biked since the end of June... the extra running had taken it out of me and I'm also running 6 days a week and really seems like resting is good for the 7th day.  My only hope here would be to take a planned break from running at some point for a couple weeks to let my legs fully recover and supplement with biking. 

512500 Steps a day:  Haven't screwed this one up yet

6. Diet... I haven't dieted at all but the weight is still slowly coming off.  Would like to keep losing down to 160 without any additional effort, just by trying to eat decent and tons of exercise.  It's worked so far at about a lb a month...  we'll re-evaluate in January...  then if I ever get a target race I might put some extra focus in to get down to a leaner "race weight"

7. 10 races in a year... I gave up on this one for a while but now I'm counting my 3 months of 309K challenges... plus I signed up for the Brimfield Old Settlers day virtual run.... that will get me to 5 for the year.  There have been a handful of in person races happening in the area.  I might wind up doing one or two in the fall if it works out.  Probably won't get 10 but all is not lost.  

MONTHLY GOAL:  309k in July was completed.  Finished up the month with 200.59 miles for back to back 200+ mile months.  Signed up for the third and final challenge in August... 309K more for the month... so far I'm at 44km for the month.

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