Monday, December 14, 2020

Week 50 in Review

2020 is almost over and I'm closing in on my goals.  It's been a long year but at the same time it's gone by quickly.  I've been very consistent but with no races do not have much to show for it... my assumption is that I'm ready to rock it out once racing starts again but we'll see.  I don't know if I'm ever going to be one of those guys who race all the time but it would be nice to have something to gauge my efforts every couple months at least.

Week 50 wound up being a 50 mile week.... my first one since Week 35.  I can feel it in my hips and my level of fatigue.  I was hoping that ramping back up to 50 would be easier this time around (and in some ways it definitely was) but I'm still tired...  a 60 mile week seems like it would be a stretch.  I'm sure I could do it but it would kick my ass... of course that's the same way I felt when I first hit 40 miles and when I first hit 50.  I'll plan to hover in the high 40 low 50 mileage for the next couple months and then ramp up to 60 in the spring.  Probably will just pull the bandage off and do it once it's time and I'm sure it'll be fine.

I ran 8 miles on Saturday at 8:26 pace.  Longest Saturday run for a while.  I was tired for all of Sundays run and wound up running just 12 at a 8:05 pace...  I ran the first 2 miles at just under 8:00, then slowed down to 8:22 before slowly picking it back up to the low 8's and finishing with a 7:40 last mile.  HR was in the low 140s the whole time and I was never straining but my legs were tired and just didn't really have the pep to want to go faster.  My plan is an easy week this week leading into a hard effort for my long run next Sunday.

On the positive side (I guess?!?), I have been getting outside in the cold.  I still hate it but I'm getting it done and with some recently purchased winter gear it hasn't been that bad (even if it's not my favorite thing).  


17 days left in 2020.

1.  2020 (or 1560) miles run:  1964.7 miles to date... 55.3 miles to go

2.  5000 Pull ups: 4866 (98 ahead of pace)… Only 134 left.  Should have them done by the end of the week,

3.  5000 Pushups/Bench:  4871 (103 ahead pace)… Only 129 left.  Could have this done in a day if I wanted!

4.  12500 Steps a day:  906 straight days

Approaching the end of the year, my list has been paired down by a few items.  My bike goal of 50 hours I abandoned.  My diet goal was just not very well defined.  My racing goal was derailed by Covid… I did break 20 in the 5K (in a virtual race) and 18 minutes in a 3 milers (real race), and set a half marathon PR.

Going into 2021 I plan to learn from what worked and what didn't in my goals and see if I can continue to build on my achievements.

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