Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Goal setting for 2021

Now that I mostly achieved my goals for 2020, it's time to start planning for next year...  first a review of 2020 goals:

What went right:

-12500 steps a day.  This one is usually easy, but focusing on keeping my body active every single day has been helpful in keeping me going.  Streaks can be problematic if they result in overtraining, burnout, and fatigue... but streaks can also be motivating and seem to work with my mentality.  This streak works well because it is low impact and attainable but just hard enough that I occasionally find myself in the situation where I'm eeking out steps at the end of the day.  Overall it just keeps me moving more through out the day without wearing me down.

-5000 push ups/bench.  Potentially too easy but I made it.  Probably will build on this one.

-5000 pull ups.   This one seemed just about right.  

-2020 miles.  Started with the goal of 1560 and bumped it up to 2020.  Was surprised to hit this one.

-No junk food January.  This went very well last year and I wound up losing a bit of weight even.  The overall year for weight loss was a bit of a bust but I'm still 20-25lbs lighter than before I started working out.

What went wrong:

-50 hours on the bike.  Stalled out at 38 hours.  Just can't bike every week and run all the miles (at least not yet).  

-10 races...  not my fault but, 2020.  

Goals for 2021:

-12500 steps a day

-5000 pulls ups.  Same goal as last year with the caveat that I'll try to get it in early and get even more if possible

-10,000 push ups.  double last year.  Will be more of a challenge but no reason I can get these done.

-2021 miles.  Why not.  I'll do more if I can (and less if I get hurt) but should be able to match last year.

-26 hours on the bike  (30 minutes a week).  Part of by biking problems were that I was working too hard and not taking real rest days.  30 minutes at low intensity on an off day could be helpful for recovery though.

-52 weight workouts.  Want to start lifting weights at least a bit.  Nothing serious but just some all around toning stuff to compliment my running.

-90 days of no junk food.  I would really like to go into spring at a good racing weight.  No junk food January worked so well that if I can actually watch what I eat for 90 days I might actually make some progress.

-setting racing goals seems frivolous but I'd like to run a marathon this year if it works out (the Peoria marathon or maybe even CIM).  Also would like to run a OCR at some point, break 18 in the 5K, break 40 in the 10K, and break 1:30 in the half marathon.

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