Thursday, October 7, 2021

Posting for the sake of it

Nothing too exciting going on as I taper.  

5.37 miles on Wednesday at a 8:23 pace

4.99 today at 7:57 pace.  Mostly slower but it started pouring rain the last mile so I booked it home.

Got some blowback from Wednesday's run on our local facebook group about not wearing hi-visibility gear.  I get where the drivers are coming from but also run towards traffic on very unbusy streets.  Will often switch sides of the road depending on which way a car is coming and will run way into the grass on the side of the road when the car passes.

After this marathon will be a good time to switch back to the treadmill I guess.  It's just too dark out to really get my runs in.  Today I did a small loop around the local park multiple times to get the mileage in until it finally got light.  

Other than that, I've been pretty good about getting my pullups in and am now on pace for 10085.  

I mostly feel pretty good right now except I keep slipping on stuff and doing other random things to hurt myself.  For instance I was riding my bike with my kids and somehow jammed my left foot.  I actually think I messed it up quite a bit.  Maybe even a fracture?  Hopefully not.  Doesn't bother me at all when running though so that's lucky.  Just hope the marathon doesn't do anything crazy to it.  I probably just need to lay low for the next 2 days.

Hope to get at least 5.58 miles in between tomorrow and Saturday.  Thinking 3.58 tomorrow and 2 on Saturday.  That will put me at 1968 for the year and the marathon will put me at 2000.  

After that some time off for recovery, some biking, lifting, and then transition to the treadmill.  

I'm sort of ready for a break but more just ready to stop focusing on running a marathon and get back to just regular training.  Marathon training hasn't exactly been hard.  Just lots more 10 milers and longer long runs but less workouts and the overall mileage has been about the same too.  Mid-50s dabbling into the 60s.  Right now I'm averaging 49 miles a week for the year.  24 out of 39 weeks have been over 50.  7 of those weeks have been over 60... I only ran 12 weeks over 50 last year so steady progress.  

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