Monday, December 16, 2019

The great treadmill revival

I really, really, really wanted to get outside on Sunday for my long run.  Even as I acclimate to the treadmill, it's still nice to spend at least some of the week outside.  Due to my work schedule the only time I can get outside to run when it's light is on the weekends... and I'd need some serious additional light up gear if I ever venture to run in the dark lest I wind up road kill with the unlit country roads that make up the majority of my outdoor routes.

So Saturday night I lay out my tights and thermal long sleeve and have everything ready to go... Sunday morning I wake up early and get dressed, check the weather and... 13 degrees F!!!  Nope, not going to happen.  Oh well, this is exactly the reason I got a treadmill.

So after some mental readjustment and a change of cloths I get on the treadmill.

Now, the last couple runs I've done on the treadmill had ended prematurely due to the motor breaker tripping out.  After some research I was hoping the belt was just needing lubrication... Friday night I made some simple adjustments to the belt, vacuumed out the inner compartment, and applied silicon treadmill lubricant to the deck... so with fingers crossed I started out on a 10 miler.

I started the run at 6.8 MPH - 1% grade (8:49 pace).  2nd mile I bumped up to 7 mph (8:34 pace).  3rd mile I was up to 7.2 mph (8:20 pace)…  at this point treadmill was running fine and my HR was still under 140.

Mile 4, 7.4 MPH (8:06 pace).  Mile 5 7.5 MPH (8:00 pace).  Mile 6 7.7 MPH (7:48 pace).

HR was reaching 148 but still felt good and the legs were loosening up.  Treadmill seemed to be running even smoother than when I first started.

Time to push the next 3 miles.  Mile 7 8.1 MPH (7:24 pace), Mile 8 8.3 MPH (7:14 pace), Mile 9 started at 8.5 MPH (7:04 pace) at 8.5 miles I bumped it up to 8.7 MPH (6:54 pace) and held on for .75 miles...  HR up to 161 but felt like I could have continued to hold the pace for at least another mile.

The slowed down to 7:30 and then 8:00 pace to round out the 10th mile.

After the run I felt pretty good.  this is a step back week so I'm reducing mileage and only doing 10 miles for my long run.  After running 14 last week and 13 the week before, 10 seemed pretty manageable and I had good energy for the rest of the day.

Final stats:
10 miles
7:54 avg pace

54 more days until my goal 1/2 marathon as I continue to build fitness.

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