Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Best one yet

What a difference a day off makes?!?  

Ran my fastest overall pace for the 8.33 miles at 6:51 and felt way better than last week doing it.  Plenty left in the tank at the end.  Partly it might have been pacing as most of the miles were at least a few seconds slower before dropping the pace and kicking it in for the last 1.33 miles.

Just felt better overall though and was never straining and the heart rate kept lower the first 3 miles which were generally comparable... but even the last .33 which was approaching 5K pace, felt controlled and easy.  HR at the end of today's run was a bit questionable but what can you do?

Still some stomach pain after today's run but not as bad as last week. Plan on taking it mostly easy this week for a down week to recover a bit.  Then a few more weeks of hard training as I prep for a 10K.



1. 10,000 pushups:  4557 on pace for 16148.  More gains on the bench and hit 3 X 10 @ 185lbs.

2. 7500 10,000 pulls ups:  3109/on pace for 11017...  Got in 152 over the weekend including 120 on Saturday.  Definitely felt it in my core.

3. 26 Hours on the Bike:  Took Monday off... it was needed.  Might try to get a brick in tomorrow or Thursday.

4. 2021 miles:  707.25 for the year and now on pace for 2500.


  1. That's some significant improvement in just one week! What was the difference in temperature/conditions between each run? HR can be funny, and is influenced by all sorts of external factors (heat/conditions, caffeine, fatigue, etc).

    Enjoy your blog, your annual goals inspired me to add some pushup/situp/chinup/pullup goals myself this year.

    1. I don't think my fitness improved that much in a week... mostly I think it was coming into the run fatigued vs hitting the workout with more rest. Even though I wear a chest strap but I still don't always trust the HR numbers but at this point I can perceive effort pretty well and my effort definitely felt better.
