Monday, May 10, 2021

It's track time

 With 3 weeks to go before my next race I figured I couldn't put off getting some speedwork in any longer so I hit the track this weekend for the second time this year.

Wasn't quite sure what I was going to do but knew I wanted to start with 3200m.  I warmed up with 2.5 miles and then after a brief pause to center myself, lineup and started the workout.

I don't know what it is but 6 minute pace is what my legs naturally want to do on the track for the most part.  I started off a bit fast with a 43 second 200m but then found my rhythm and started knocking off 90 second laps.  As the laps progressed, my HR never really took off but I could feel the lactic acid accumulating in my lags.  As the laps progressed I kept pace but it was hard not to tense up; I focused on staying smooth and relaxed.  I hit the 3200 mark at about 12 minutes on the dot.  I walked for about 100 meters and then jogged at 400m at something around 8 minute pace.  

By the time I got to the start I was ready to go again, this time running 1600 at 6 minute pace.  Again I hit the splits without too much trouble.  After another 400m I decided on an 800m.  Hitting that in 2:59... I this point, I still felt okay and considered doing one more 800m but ultimately decided not to over do it, figuring there's a couple more weeks to nail workouts so I'd do a little less and recover quicker.

Ultimately, the workout didn't take too much out of me, but it did aggravate my IT band a bit.  Seems like the sub 6 minute pace is what really triggers it, as even my tempo work didn't really bother it...  after jogging home I wound up with 7.5 miles total.  2.5 mile warm up at 7:46 pace, followed by 5 miles in 32 minutes (6:23 average pace).

I did bring some fatigue into Sunday's long run... it was raining and cold with 17 MPH winds but it was Mother's day and I didn't want to wait out the rain so after feeding the kids I hit the road at about 8:30 am.  It was really just sprinkling but with the wind it was pretty gnarly.  I work my Goretex running jacket and that took care of most of the issues.  Luckily the wind was blowing out of the South so while I had to face the wind early, it wasn't too bad since I was running into the wind in the forested, hilly section of the run, which blocked some of the wind.  By the time I hit the flats, the wind was at my back and it actually tangibly helped my pace, my jacket acting as a sail.  Wound up running a half marathon at 7:49 pace, which was a solid effort in bad conditions and tired legs.

Today, I ran a recovery run;  5.44 miles at 8:24 pace.  The first couple miles were in the 8:40s and my legs were just plain dead but they came around after mile 3 and the pace picked up to around 8:15.  Finished up feeling fresher than when I started which is more or less the point.

After the run, I hit the bench and got some weight work in to stay on my yearly target.  I hit a set of 10 at 155 and then 4 sets of 10 at 165.  Followed that up with 2 sets of 60 pushups.  60 pushups are pretty damn easy these days even after benching which I assumed would fatigue me.

2021 Goals Update

1. 10,000 pushups:  5575 on pace for 15652. Still consistent but all these fringe goals get harder as the running mileage increases.  

2. 7500 10,000 pulls ups: 3684 on pace for 10343.   I just keep slipping on this but am still over pace.  I did get in 16 X 3 today.  Once my 10K is in the books and I back off the training a bit, I'll probably get back focused on these again.  

326 Hours on the Bike:  Still at 18:16.  Almost biked today but ran instead.  

4. 2021 miles: 932.84 for the year.  On pace for 2619.  Ran a new mileage high with 64.66 last week.  4th 60+ mile week of the year 7th week in a row over 50. and am averaging over  50 a week for the year now.

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