Monday, May 17, 2021

Peak Speed Work and Peak Long Run

SATURDAY was a bit of a miserable day.  50 degrees and raining.  My run in the rain was okay but watching two soccer games in the rain following the run was a bit much.  For my run I did a 3.5+ mile warmup through the Maher hills at ~7:20 pace.  Then hit the track and ran 8X400m with 200m Recoveries:

Finished up with about 2 miles of cooldown.  The laps were very consistent.  I guess I would call it 3K pace.  Just enough work to touch on some speed without over straining.  Overall finished up with 8.67 miles with a 7:13 average pace with no pauses.

SUNDAY the rain let up and the weather was actually much nicer.  Overcast, 55 degrees, and minimal wind.  I was gonna put in an easy 15 (or maybe even 16).  I started out feeling pretty good with a 7:30 first mile and then figured I'd cruise a bit to bank some time while I was feeling good.  7:22, 7:21, 7:20, 7:15, 7:20 for miles 2-6 which mostly got me through the hills.

Now I was thinking sub 7:30 for the run with plenty of banked time.  I wanted to at least keep pace through 10 even though I was tiring.  7:09, 7:09. 7:13, 7:10 for miles 7-10.  

After 10 I relaxed a bit and slowed down to 7:22 as I climbed the hill and turned the corner and headed to the road that least into the west side of Brimfield.  Then with 4 miles left to go I buckled back down and ran a 7:14.  

3 miles left, and I figured I'd push through the half marathon point, running mile 13 at 7:00 flat... hey that felt pretty good.  I figured my first miles were my slowest so might as well drop the hammer the last two and see what kind of half marathon I'd wind up with.  Mile 14 was 6:51.  Now just 1 mile left, time to push harder, 6:33.

Final Stats:

15.0 miles
7:11 pace

Wound up with an accidental Strava PR for the 1/2 marathon (and of course the 20K).  Also my 2nd fastest 10 mile time (my 10 mile has been weak... I've run lots of fast 9+ milers but only once stretched it to 10).

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