Friday, July 2, 2021

Picking up the pace a bit

 It was a bit cooler today (60 degrees) and the sun was actually out (instead of running through a cloud) so I took advantage of the weather to push the pace a bit.

Started out 7:18 first mile and followed with a 7:12 and 7:20.  After the third mile I was eased into the pace and started to pick it up a bit running 7:07, 7:07, 7:11, 7:07.  Didn't really feel like I was pushing too much harder at this point but 7:07 seemed to be where my body decided to settle.  Picked it up a bit more on the last mile for a 6:44.


7:08 pace

Felt pretty good and I wasn't straining too hard...  I don't exactly consider this a workout or anything but it would have started to hurt if I ran much faster.  I'm kind of considering this sort of effort marathon pace at the moment. Ultimately I would like to be able to run this effort and be just under 7:00 pace... Mostly kept my effort steady but I did have a few random pick ups and also attacked some of the hills.

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