Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Track Tuesday 4

 Today I tried something new.  After 2.5 warm up (7:47, 7:28, 7:12 pace) I hit the track 6 X 200m at near max effort (95%).  Took a bit to get my legs warmed up during the 2.5 miles... definitely still feeling it from the weekend but once I hit the track and started sprinting, it didn't seem to matter.  

I started at the 200m start point in lane 1 (far side of track).  I ran hard and controlled through the curve, hit top speed at through the straight away through the 150m mark and then start easing back towards the finish.  Followed that up with 200m walk/jog recoveries (mostly walk).

I rarely sprint these days, but it felt amazing.  Up on my toes and I could feel my quads firing, my arms ripping through the air and my legs gobbling up the track.  My cadence was in the 225-230 range.  

32s, 32s, 33s, 32s, 31s, 31s...  I got my HR up to 174 on the last sprint... not bad for 30 seconds of work.

after that I did a 400m jog and finished up with a 400m fast but controlled effort in 83s.  83s felt like really easy after the 200m sprints but overall my legs were pretty fried.

Then I jogged home at  8:12 pace, getting a total of 5.5 miles in for the day.

I really enjoyed this workout.  Awesome variety compared to my normal fare and its fun to run fast.  It would have been nice to break 30s on one of them but I wasn't going all out and I was tiring by the end so its at least probably possible.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.  I wouldn't be surprised if some muscle group I'm not used to being sore is sore, but in the end it's still running so maybe not.

At least right now I feel pretty darn good.  Not sure how often I should try workouts like these since they seem like the way I might get myself hurt.  Much more explosive than my typical run.  However, this is my 4th week in a row with a track workout and I don't really have much in terms of pain or niggles to show for it.  When I did a few fast pace efforts last spring it resulted in a tight ITB but so far nothing to report!

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