Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Week 1

With 12 weeks until my target half-marathon, training starts today. 

For the first time in forever I'm actually going to attempt to follow a plan.

Today, I was supposed to run a prescribed 9 miles of general aerobic.  I wound up running 8 which is pretty close and at least meets the general intent.  I'm still a bit beat up from running on Detwieller hill on Saturday and following that up with 12 miles in a 22 mph wind on Sunday... not sure if I'm beat up because I'm still rounding back into shape or because I'm not adapted to running up and down a really steep hill.  It was damn good work either way and I really need to do that more often.

so anyway, 8 treadmill miles on beat up legs.  1:04:33 and a 8:04 average pace.  I picked up the pace as the run progressed and varied the incline between 0 and 1.5.  0 incline felt like it beat me up the worst to be honest.  I'm getting more and more comfortable on the treadmill but I'm also quickly running out of streaming content.  Gonna need to find some more shows and movies to watch since it's going to be a long winter.

Also, day 1 and I'm already deviating off plan... probably not a good sign.  Then I'm running a race on Sunday that will put me even more off plan...  I'm really not sure if I can handle following a plan but I'll at least use it as a guide line.

And speaking of plans... I posted an update on my 2021 goals for a while.

1. 10000 push ups:  currently at 8865, on pace for 10111.  These are so easy that I just never remember to do them.  Then I'll do a couple hundred over several days and catch up.  I either need a more aggressive goal to keep me honest or I need to come up with an actual routine instead of just cramming them in in the 5 free minutes I don't have between getting ready for work and driving to work.

2. 10000 pull-ups:  currently at 8783, on pace for 10018.  getting in an average of 28 pull ups a day is hard enough that I need to be pretty consistent.  Sometimes I fall behind and then am forced to do 50 or 60 a day for a week to catch up but super-compensation and rest is a real thing so I don't think I'm hurting myself with this technique.  

3.  26 hours on the bike.  currently at 25:38.  22 minutes to go.  Literally ready to coast this one in.  Plan to close this one out on Monday.
That's about it at this point.  My 12500 steps a day streak is at 1242 days.  I'm at 2146 miles on the year (on pace for ~2450).  I've met most of my racing goals (except I haven't run a half marathon).

With the year winding down I'm starting to consider my goals for next year.  Thinking the myrtl routine and some burpees may be involved.  Also, I'm hoping that next year will be the year I really go for the marathon.  Should be okay, as long as I stay healthy.

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