Monday, June 22, 2020

Week 25 in Review

Almost halfway through 2020.  Despite all the havoc of the Coronavirus its been a good year of training so far.  Sure, I don't get to race but maybe that will be a good thing long term as I've been stringing together week after week of solid mileage and training.

After back to back weeks of 50+ miles I dropped off a hair and only fit in 47.6 miles.  Despite the slight dip, the mileage was more quality and I felt overall less fatigued then I have in a while.  All but one of my runs this week were under 8:00 pace and the only one that wasn't was a 4.34 recovery run at 8:05 pace.  

Just about everything is going great except for a hopefully small foot issue in the middle of my left foot (and hopefully not a stress fracture).  Not sure what it is really, but it normally doesn't bother me that much even when running...  Just will need to monitor and make sure it doesn't get worse.


Workout updates:


8.01 miles
7:37 pace

faster pace then I expected but overall not too hard of a run.  I pushed a bit but not really intentionally.  It felt like I was running at the pace my body wanted to run at is the best way to describe it.   I was a hot day and my heart rate was up in the upper 150s but and into the 160s but I never felt particularly strained at all.  Maybe just the heat I guess.


12.10 miles
7:56 pace

Humid run on the rock island trail.  The running felt fine but the conditions were a bit miserable.  I was pretty much attacked by flying bugs for the first 5 miles of the run and it caused me to push the pace a bit.  After that things cleared up a bit.  12 miles is short for a Sunday and the run didn't take much out of me despite my HR being pretty high due to the heat.


Got in 1:03:00 on the bike today (20.05 miles).  Plenty of sweat but felt good.  

I have definitely been feeling way less fatigued the last week or so.  Not sure if it's just my body adapting to the training load or what... Natalie did get me a subscription to Athletic Greens for Father's day.  I'm always skeptical of supplements but maybe it's actually having some effect?!?


Yearly goal progress:


1.  2020 (or 1560) miles run:  1004.3 for the year (44 miles ahead of 2020).  Hit that 1000 mile benchmark and we're not even halfway though the year...  excellent stuff!!!

2.  5000 Pull ups: 2423 (46 ahead of pace) Been killing the pullups again and feeling good doing it.  I did 6 chin-ups with Nori hanging on my feet yesterday (35 lbs?)… Again, I feel way less fatigued in everything I'm doing and it's reflecting in my numbers.

3.  5000 Pushups/Bench:  2483 (106 ahead of pace)…finally adapted to 175 and knocked out sets of 11, 10, 10 this morning.   One more week in June and then I'm ready for 185 in July.

4.  50 hour stationary bike:  25:01 hours... Not a lot of biking in June but today I felt good and knocked out an hour ride.  Halfway to my goal!

512500 Steps a day:  Got through my step anniversary this weekend.  2 straight years of 12500 steps.

MONTHLY GOAL:  309k in June... currently at 149.936 for the month. 42 more miles over the next 8 days to get me to 192 for the June 309k challenge I signed up for.  Should have it in the bag... hope I didn't jinx myself.

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