Monday, June 1, 2020

Week 22 and May in Review, plus a return to the Rock Island Trail

First off, for some reason I had a chart for my stats from May 2010 in my blog from May 2010.  I didn't keep monthly mile stats before or after that so not sure why I did it then but now 10 year later I can compile that data from the 3 May's I have recorded STATs from.

At a snapshot I'm training harder and in better shape now then I was in 2010.  Also, I've come a looonnnngggg way since 2019 when I was first getting back into shape.

186.8 miles is less than last month by a few miles but still my 2nd highest month ever.  I plan to get in at least 192 miles in June (309k) so that will be a new high if I get through it.

Also, with 854 miles for the year I've exceeded last years mileage total of 805.83.


For the week I ran 39.27 miles.  It was kind of a tough week.  I think the heat was partially to blame.  I took Monday and Tuesday off from running, ran short on Wednesday and Friday, and had a crap workout on Thursday.  Had a good run on Saturday and Sunday though so hopefully things are doing okay.

Had some pain in my left hip starting Thursday but it didn't really bug me over the weekend.  My left foot has been pretty sore too but also seems to be okay during runs.  Just going to monitor it and hope it quiets down.


Sunday morning I started the week right with my first long run on the Rock Island Trail in 10 years.  The Rock Island Trail is a reclaimed ex-railroad line that is now a bike path.  Great for long runs since it's mostly flat, mostly shaded, no traffic, and soft underfoot.

I picked up the trail in Princeville and ran a brand new section I've never been on before.  It was my best long run in over a month.

13.28 miles
1:39:38 duration
7:30 pace

I started off at an "easy" pace of 7:55 for the first mile.  Then settled in a bit with 7:40, 7:44, 7:32, 7:41.  Weather was great and I was moving along through the woods feeling amazing.

I was running an out an back and as I was approaching the turn about I started picking up the pace slightly to 7:33.

At the turnabout I stopped for a quick whiz and then turned around and decided to pick up the pace a bit and negative split the run. 7:25, 7:24, 7:16, 7:31, 7:24, 7:23, 7:22...  pace was very steady minus the 7:16 7:31 deviations...  maybe some elevation in play there or maybe I just pushed to hard on the 7:16 and recovered with 7:31?   Was tired by the end but felt good and held form.

I think I'll probably be doing a lot more long runs on the trail, especially over the summer.  The shade is a wonderful thing.


Yearly goal progress:


1.  1560 (or 2020) miles run:  854.37  for the year (202 miles ahead of pace of 1560 but and 10 miles ahead of 2020)...  if I don't get hurt 2020 is the goal... otherwise 705 miles to 1560.

2.  5000 Pull ups: 2083 (7 behind of pace) First time behind pace... I've been working these in but obviously not enough... kind of stagnating on this goal but still pretty much on pace.

3.  5000 Pushups/Bench:  2222 (132 ahead of pace)…back on the bench this morning... decided not to go up in weight even though its June.  Hit 175 X 10 reps twice plus some push ups...  175 is a good weight where its tough but not too tough... need to hit that more consistently for the month.  185 in July sounds like the plan.

4.  50 hour stationary bike:  23:18 hours... Got an hour in today finally after being lazy last week... took effort to get me on the bike but it was fine once I was riding.

5.  Diet: I was weighing lighter but now I'm weighing heavier... no reason to really think I've lost of gained real weight... sitting at 170.

6.  12500 Steps a day:  Going to hit 2 years straight later this month.

7. 10 races this year... probably not going to happen but I did sign up for a mileage challenge for June to support our local racing company.  The goal is to run 309k for the month (192.004 miles) in honor of our 309 area code... so I'll count that as the 2nd race of the year?

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