Tuesday, February 22, 2022

50 is nifty

 I've now run 50 days in a row (assuming that you count treadmill running as "real" running).

Woke up this morning to a 53 degree day and was all ready to go outside and run at about 6:20.  Had my shorts and shoes on and was headed out the door when the lightning flashed and the thunder crashed.  The weather frickin' hates me!  So back on the treadmill and I only got in 7.5 miles because I started later than normally waiting for it to get light outside.  

Tonight the temp drops down to 13 degrees so I'm probably sticking to the treadmill for at least a few more days.  After wrecking my legs on Sunday running outside I'm really getting desperate to get more road miles in.  I was a lot better about at least getting outside on the weekends last year.  Next year I'm going to have to force myself outside at least once if not twice a week.  I wouldn't imagine it'll take too long to get accustomed to the road but I'm really jonesing right now for some fast paced 8, 9, 10 mile efforts.  

My initial streak goal was 50 and now that I've reached it I'm not sure how to proceed.  I don't really feel like I need to stop at this point and I'm more motivated than ever...  April 13 would mark 100 days.  Not sure I'm needing to do that but we'll see.

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